Thursday, August 19, 2010

He was nerdy yet chicly debonair

Last night we experienced a vandal of a different kind, this one with four legs and a smoldering gauloise (or cigarette) dangling from his jagged pie slice of a grin. He was nerdy yet chicly debonair. A scanty beret riding low over one eye and a dickey turtle neck without the finishing pullover*
image source: marchorowitz
*kelly green dickey turtle neck
(a close duplicate, his had residual crumbs from Popeye's chicken)
It was a marauding raccoon! He made it out the cat door and halfway down the stairs with a dramatic pose and glance back over his shoulder at Tom who courageously peeked through the now violated infested aseptic plastic swingy door. I screamed when he opened the door and the cat ran out, expecting it to be the rabid launching raccoon heading at my face. A new scene for When Animals Go Bad 5.

The image of a raccoon smoking a gauloise (or French cigarette) had me scanning Google's gauloise archives with interesting results.

Fete Gauloise
DIY Vikings or pillaging hordes of Walmarters from Gaul (image source)
Family portrait with square shaped tumors
Laughing French person (too much gauloise)
Cat imitates a cigarette (or Gauloise)
La Gauloise OSH n 01
French actors people laughing
Baguette Gauloise (not laughing)
I smoke wit my back at you
image source: The Other Andrew (the one who's face you can see)
Statue with burned off arms from gauloise, cancer related amputations immortalized in bronze or some cheap bronze composite, poly-styrne bronze replica

Image source marchorowitz
post invasion results
his chic-ness lives on

(ps thanks to those concerned about our car being vandalized and the roof caved in, we're looking into repairs now and trying to sleep again at night, despite invading raccoons smoking gauloises)

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